Teignbridge Methodist Circuit

Fore Street, Totnes TQ9 5RP
Minister: Rev Kevin Hooke - 07772571647; kevin.hooke@methodist.org.uk
Lay Pastor: Sara Crouch - 07845 278253; saralaypastor@gmail.com
Bookings Secretary: 07508145659; totmethbookings@gmail.com

Sunday 10.30am
Click on icon to visit Church Facebook page

We have been located in the centre of Totnes since 1901 and offer a warm welcome to both local people and visitors on holiday.
The addition of a hall in 1974 enabled us to offer a space for use by the local community.
We support the town's Fairtrade initiative as well as collecting food for refugees and the homeless. We also offer prayer support to the Street Pastors who patrol Totnes on a Friday night befriending and supporting vulnerable people.