Teignbridge Methodist Circuit


The Avenue, Newton Abbot TQ12 2BY
Minister: Rev Gill Daniel - 07837 801688; gilldaniel@live.co.uk
Office: 01626 360400; email: office@theavenue.co.uk
Sunday 10.30am
Sunday Club (for Children) - 2nd Sunday monthly - 10.15am
Worship & Discussion - 1st Sunday monthly - 9.30am
If you can't join us you can stream live or catch up on a service by visiting our YouTube page.

The purpose of the Avenue Church is to share the gospel, glorify God and to help people become disciples of Jesus Christ. We aim to achieve this by being a Christ-centred Caring Connected Community
The Avenue Church is a Local Ecumenical Partnership between the Methodist and United Reform Churches, although people from various Christian traditions are regular worshippers with us.
Worship at The Avenue covers a range of styles including an additional 9.30 worship and discussion service on the first Sunday in the month, a Sunday Club for children and young people on the second Sunday in the month and an all-age worship usually on the fourth Sunday in the month. Our 10.30am services are streamed live or can be watched later on YouTube.
The Avenue Church is a friendly church whose members strive to be a ‘Caring, Connected, Community’. With this in mind, we have a wide range of activities that bring people together (see below and for more details visit our website). We are also delighted that KingsCare and other community groups use our premises on a regular basis.
Rooms of various sizes are available for hire – if interested please contact the Church Office: office@theavenuechurch.co.uk